Southeast Asia

Southeast Asian cannabis landraces. Arguably the most renowned traditional Cannabis cultivars come from Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Laos. These are tropical Sativa domesticates (i.e., landraces) selected for the production of ganja, meaning seedless or lightly seeded high-THC female inflorescences. The finest Thai Stick ganja of the ’60s and ’70s came from northern Isan, an ethnically Lao region of Thailand, and neighbouring Central Laos.

The so-called ‘sinsemilla technique’ for producing seedless bud was already employed in the East Indies in the 17th Century and perhaps as early as the 12th Century, depending on how early the Ānandakanda, a text which describes the technique, is dated. Accounts by European merchant adventurers from the late 1600s indicate Southeast Asian ganja was a prized commodity among Indians, specifically exports from Aceh in Sumatra.

Authentic Southeast Asian ganja strains (i.e., Cannabis landraces) are at high risk of extinction due to the introduction of modern hybrid seed, particularly in Cambodia and Thailand.

Mainland Southeast Asia is also a centre of biodiversity for hemp, the crop being cultivated in the northern highlands bordering China by groups such as the Hmong. Some Thai and Lao ganja strains may be hybrids with Chinese hemp landraces, perhaps including our ‘Highland Thai’ accession from the Shan / Tai Yai border region of Burma.

For some interesting ongoing breeding projects using Thai strains check out this strain, Thai THCV.

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