Highland Lao #5


SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


Genetics: Lao Thai Ganja Cannabis Landrace
Sourcing: The Real Seed Company, Laos, Southeast Asia, 2023
Purpose: Ganja (seedless or lightly seeded buds)
Latitude: 18° N
Regional Harvest: Seed to harvest approx. 5 to 6 months
Height: 2 – 4 metres
Characteristics: Intense rich aromas; euphoric luminous high; Sativa-type architecture
Classification: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica var. indica
Grow Type: Greenhouse or outdoors

A new accession of a cannabis landrace from a crucial centre of production of ‘Thai’ ganja, the jungles and highlands of Bolikhamsai in Lao PDR.

The seeds are the first accession we have obtained from this farmer.

Expect narrow-leafleted classic Sativas and bud with intense aromas and a soaring high with powerful old-school positivity.

The image shows a plant from this accession at 40° N in mid July.

Additional information

pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds