Tropical India

Tropical Indian cannabis landraces. Tropical India is the likely centre of origin for classic Sativa-type domesticates (i.e., landraces). The main purpose for which these narrow-leafleted cannabis landraces were domesticated is the production of cured seedless or lightly seeded high-THC female inflorescencesin other words, ‘bud’ or ganja. The so-called sinsemilla technique of rogueing out males is first described in a fifteenth-century alchemical text from southern India.

In India, among the most renowned historic centres of commercial ganja cultivation was the Ganja Mahal, now within Bangladesh. Since prohibition, its reputation for fine cannabis has been eclipsed by regions such as Idukki (Kerala, South India), Orissa, and Imphal (Manipur, Northeast India).

The Internet is now rapidly accelerating the spread of modern hybrid cannabis seed to South Asia, where it’s utilized both by hobbyists and organized crime. Throughout India, ganja landraces face imminent extinction through hybridization with introduced Dutch and North American hybrids.

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