£22.49 – £44.99
Genetics: Hindu Kush Cannabis Landrace
Sourcing: Landrace Genetics, Tirah Valley, Hindu Kush, 2024 Harvest
Purpose: Charas (sieved resin)
Latitude: 33° N
Harvest: late-September to early November
Height: Approx. 2 meters
Aroma: Coffee, hazelnut, hash, citrus, kush, earthy musk, gasoline
Characteristics: Resinous, narcotic effect, mostly broad-leafleted, quite early maturing
Grow Type: Outdoors, greenhouse, or indoors
An authentic Hindu Kush cannabis landrace from Tirah Valley, a renowned centre of hashish production in Northwest Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan.
Tirah cannabis landrace exhibit powerful aromas and excellent resin production, reflecting their history of cultivation for producing dry-sieved garda charas (‘hashish’).
As with all charas landraces, there is immense variation from plant to plant within populations regarding their aroma: scents range from gasoline to skunk to candy to mandarin and so on, depending upon the specific individual.
At the interface of Central and South Asia, Tirah crops exhibit a spectrum of variation from Indica-type plants, i.e. short and heavily branched with relatively broad leaflets, to some more Sativa-type variants, as in the ‘Khyber Sativa’ strain of old seedbank catalogues.
Tirah Valley is in a region once known as the Tribal Agencies, a mountainous and ethnically Pashtun (Afghan) area beyond the direct control of the Pakistan government. The valley cuts through Orakzai, Kurram, and Khyber agencies. It’s a major centre of Cannabis cultivation and best known for Tirah garda, a refined form of hashish with a potent, narcotic effect. Tirah garda is often blonde or golden, though blonde batches darken and ‘melt’ with age.
This accession is from the 2024 harvest. Expect intense resin, high yields, and impressive aromas.
Every serious collector should have seeds from the Pakistani Hindu Kush in their collection. Already the Internet is bringing modern hybrid seed to Pakistan in a big way too, as is also happening across India.
Additional information
Pack Size | 12 seeds, 5 seeds |