Afghan Mix


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Genetics: North Afghan Cannabis Landraces
Sourcing: Landrace Genetics, Northern Afghanistan (Winter 2019)
Purpose: Charas (sieved), Bhang
Latitude: Various
Harvest: Various
Height: Various
Characteristics: Intense aromas, heavy branching, medium to broad leaflets
Grow Type: Outdoor, greenhouse, or indoor

This winter (2019–20), we obtained accessions of cannabis landraces from the following crucial historic centres of cultivation in northern Afghanistan:

  • Balkh
  • Badakhshan
  • Mazar-i-Sharif (i.e. the cultigen ‘Mazari’)
  • Kunduz
  • Herat

Unfortunately, during the process of transporting these seeds, a genius had the bright idea of mixing the bags together (after all, they’re “just cannabis seeds”).

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we aren’t able to rectify this situation.

However, all the seeds are healthy. Young plants are exhibiting marked var. afghanica leaflet traits.

Because several accessions have been mixed together, we’ve decided to offer these seeds at a big discount.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds