Shown above is a plant from ‘Mazar-i-Sharif #2’ in mid-July at around 40° N.
An authentic Indica landrace from Balkh Province, sourced in ancient hashish-producing districts outside the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, this accession exhibits the classic Indica traits of broad leaflets and heavily branched semidwarf architecture.
Of the 15 accessions of real Indica landraces currently available at The Real Seed Company and Kwik Seeds, two that can express particularly strong Indica morphology are ‘Nangarhar’ and ‘Mazar-i-Sharif No. 2’.
A crucial fact about Indicas that very few western aficionados or even experts in the cannabis field are aware of – (still!) – is this:
Real Indica landraces are not sinsemilla cultigens. There’s no ganja culture in Afghanistan or anywhere else in Central Asia. In other words, there’s no history of smoking Afghan Indicas in pipes or cigarettes as bud before about 1970…. more than likely somewhere such as California…
What that means in practice is that the populations of real Indica landraces from Central Asia are typically not across-the-board high-THC.
If you want Indicas that are consistently very high in THC, then you need modern sinsemilla cultivars like X18, Deep Chunk, or Afghaan 90.
If you want landraces that are consistently very high in THC, then you need landraces from the tropics – in other words from regions where there’s a ganja culture such as Odisha, Laos, or highland Burma.