New Landrace Freebies – Nepali Mountain Ganja (25s) + Afghan Mix (5s)

The freebie landrace seeds automatically added to all orders are now as follows:

Nepali Mountain Ganja – 25 seeds

Afghan Mix – 5 seeds

The image shows a ‘mountain ganja’ type plant growing as a volunteer near a police checkpoint in Langtang Nepal at autumn equinox in 2008.

Several accessions of this type of Nepali landrace are already available at The Real Seed Company site under the names ‘Dakshinkali’ and ‘Nepalese Mountain Ganja’.

Mountain ganja is usually sold as lightly seeded buds or as dry-sieved charas (‘garda’ aka ‘hash’).

This type of landrace is distinct from the two other types found in Nepal, which are the large-seeded multipurpose type of the mountains and the true tropical ganja type of the lowland Terai region.

By contrast, the type we’re naming ‘mountain ganja’ has much smaller seeds and higher potency than the multipurpose type.

However, the ‘mountain ganja’ type is not a true tropical ganja landrace: plants are much taller and are also suitable for producing charas (which tropical ganja landraces typically aren’t), thanks to readily detatchabe resin glands. These landraces may also show a degree of hybridization with alpine wild-type populations.

Germination rates tested at approximately +50% on the freebie Nepali Mountain Ganja accession, meaning the seeds aren’t suitable for sale – so we’ve doubled up the numbers. The accession was collected in the southern Kathmandu Valley in spring 2023.