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Genetics: Himalayan Multipurpose Cannabis Landrace
Sourcing: The Real Seed Company, West Nepal, Winter 2021
Purpose: Charas (hand-rubbed), seed, fibre
Latitude: 29° N
Harvest: late-September to early November
Height: Up to approx 6 metres outdoors
Aroma: Floral, citrus, ‘hashy’
Characteristics: Vigourous, hardy, resinous, long internodes, CBD, warm euphoric high
Grow type: Outdoors, greenhouse

A classic high-mountain cannabis landrace strain from the temperate alpine ranges of West Nepal, famed for charas with warmly positive and soaring highs.

Charas from Jumla achieved a legendary reputation during the heyday of the Hippie Trail, gracing the menus of the hashish emporiums of Kathmandu.

In an earlier age, in centres of decadent Indo-Persianate hashish culture such as Lucknow, the finest charas from West Nepal is said to have fetched more than its weight in gold.

Plants and products appear to as yet be pristine, unaffected by modern hybrids, unlike in regions such as Kullu and Parvati.

Field images show plants from this accession at 40° N in mid July. The man smoking is a Nath sadhu at a Bhairava temple in Jumla, Nepal.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds