

SKU: N/A Categories: , , ,


Genetics: Afghan Cannabis Landrace
Sourcing: Landrace Genetics, Balkh, Northern Afghanistan (2019)
Purpose: Charas (sieved)
Latitude: 36° N
Harvest: October
Height: Approx . 2 metres
Characteristics: Intense aromas, heavy branching, medium to broad leaflets
Grow Type: Outdoor, greenhouse, or indoor

An authentic cannabis landrace from Balkh, the hashish heartland of northern Afghanistan, a crucial centre of cannabis culture and biodiversity.

This is a resinous and heavily branched landrace with intense aromas ranging from citrus and lime to pine, sandlewood, and burnt rubber. Semi-dwarf, often with almost spherical architecture.

As with other charas landraces, expect to find chemotypes ranging from THC- to CBD-dominant, as well as other cannabinoids such as THCV.

This accession differs from the larger north Afghan cannabis strain known to Afghans themselves as Mazar-i-Sharif.

Highly recommend to breeders. Essential for collectors.

Additional information

Pack Size

12 seeds, 5 seeds