

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


Genetics: Afghan Cannabis Landrace
Sourcing: Landrace Genetics, Helmand, Afghanistan (2022)
Purpose: Charas (sieved), Bhang
Latitude: 31° N
Harvest: October
Grow Type: Outdoor, greenhouse, or indoor

An Indica-type cannabis landrace accession newly collected directly from the Helmand region of southern Afghanistan, winter 2022 harvest.

Plants exhibit semidwarf architecture and broad leaflets.

Most cannabis cultivation in this province is recent and emerged around 2008 following intensive eradication campaigns implemented by Governor Atta Muhammad Nur across the traditional northern centre of charas production, Balkh Province.

Feedback from customers indicates this is a broad-leafleted Indica landrace.

The images shows a plant from this accession at 40° N in mid July.

Additional information

Pack size

12 seeds, 5 seeds